The Mayor of Warren, Jim Fouts, will award special certificates of accomplishment to students that are attending the Warren School District.
“We are not only honoring these outstanding students for their scholastic achievement, but their schools, their parents, and their teachers,” said Mayor Fouts, a retired psychology and political science instructor who taught for many years in Warren schools before taking pubic office.
Students from the following high schools will be present: Center Line High School, Cousino High School, De La Salle Collegiate High School, Fitzgerald High School, Lincoln High School, Macomb Christian High School, Regina High School, Warren Mott High School and Warren Woods Tower High School.
This is the ninth year of this program initiated by Fouts.

Regina softball players surround Warren Mayor Jim Fouts as he congratulates Coach Diane Laffey following a proclamation at Warren City Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016.