Warren To Strictly Enforce Fireworks Laws; Mayor Jim Fouts Will Monitor Neighborhoods July 4 And Visit Fireworks Vendors July 2-3

Warren, MI – Warren Mayor James Fouts has directed Warren police to strictly enforce city fireworks laws this weekend.

“Violators will be prosecuted with fines up to $500.  We have zero tolerance for breaking the law,” said Warren Mayor James Fouts.  Fouts listed severe safety and noise rules for discharging fireworks.  (See attached list of city fireworks rules)

For the tenth consecutive year, Warren Mayor James Fouts will ride-along with a Warren police officer July 4 at 8:30 p.m. to monitor city streets for fireworks violations.

mayor police

Warren Mayor Jim Fouts added that a special task has been formed consisting of police, property maintenance inspectors, CERT (a police volunteer group), fire department personnel, and park employees, all of whom will be patrolling neighborhoods July 4.  This year, for the fifth year, police undercover officers will also be on the lookout for fireworks ordinance violators.

Warren Mayor Jim Fouts is the only public official in Michigan to voice opposition to the fireworks law passed by the State Legislature in 2012.  “The new law is a money grab by state lawmakers at the expense of disrupting our neighborhoods,” added the Mayor of Warren.

“Now, fireworks are louder, longer and more lethal.”

“The legislation legalizes fireworks on 10 holidays including Christmas and Thanksgiving, which I believe is inappropriate.  These are family holidays, hardly days to discharge loud fireworks,” says Mayor Fouts.  “When fireworks are discharged, I receive many calls from upset residents about the impact of loud fireworks on their pets, senior citizens, and their peace and tranquility.  I still believe this law should be rescinded because of the disruption, police overtime, blight, and noise caused by the law.”


Warren Mayor Fouts says he supports the proposed state legislation that gives local communities like the City of Warren more control over fireworks.

All City of Warren parks will be closed at 9 p.m. July 4.

Provision of the new city ordinance restricting fireworks includes the following:

  • On July 4, all fireworks are prohibited between midnight – 8 a.m.; on July 3-5, midnight – 8 a.m.
  • Discharge of legal consumer and low impact fireworks is prohibited from 10:30 p.m. – 11 a.m.

Special Note

On Monday, July 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and Tuesday, July 3, from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Mayor Fouts will do a random visit to commercial vendors of fireworks in the city to ensure that they understand the city’s rules on the sale of fireworks.

City of Warren’s fireworks regulations.