Warren Mayor Fouts is outraged and upset by a cowardly act of what appears to be a racially motivated attack on a home and vehicle of an African American family in Warren. This attack occurred yesterday evening. This is completely unacceptable and will NOT be tolerated in our city.
The Warren Police Department and Commissioner Bill Dwyer are on the job and will conduct a complete investigation. Those found responsible for this crime will be brought to justice. Our city is a true melting pot of many different races and religions. All help to make Warren a good community. They are all welcome but those who would peddle hate and cause destruction are NOT welcome in Warren and should be aware that our city leadership and myself in particular will never stop in pursuit of justice.
Anyone, who might have additional information about the perpetrator or perpetrators of this crime feel free contact Warren Police (586) 574-4877, Mayor’s office at (586) 574-4520 or the Mayor personally.
Note: This is NOT reflective of the true character of Warren residents and I’m sure they all share in my outrage.